Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes of 12/15/10

Amended and Approved 1/19/11

Sharon Community Center

Filmed by SCTV


Planning Board Attendees

Susan Price, Chair

Anne Bingham, Clerk  - absent

Eli Hauser, Vice Chair

Amanda Sloan  - absent

David Milowe

Peter O’Cain, Town Engineer - absent



Bob Shelmerdine

Alice Cheyer


Chair Report

Chair Price called the meeting to order at 8:05 PM and read the Chair’s Report. Ms. Price mentioned that all Board members should review the subdivision regulations in order to recommend any updates or revisions. Chair Price also suggested that the tree and plant list review be postponed until next meeting.


Meeting Minutes

Review of the 11/3/10 and 12/1/10 meeting minutes was postponed until next meeting.


Bella Estates Update

Mr. Milowe asked Mr. Shelmerdine if, as it relates to Bella Estates, did the Intoccia Companies use Royal Bank of Canada or any of its affiliates for banking or capital markets. Mr. Shelmerdine replied that the Intoccia Companies has no affiliation with the Royal Bank of Canada.


Mr. Shelmerdine provided the Board with a status update for the Bella property. He stated that:


1.      The 40 feet of fence was erected for Ms. Robin Estrin and this project is complete.

2.      Mr. Shelmerdine said he has the replacement bond in hand but cannot locate the original bond. He will prepare an affidavit of lost bond.

3.      Mr. Shelmerdine said he established a $5,000 account in Town for the benefit of the Homeowners Association. The money has been given to Mr. Bill Fowler, Town Treasurer.

4.      With reference to erosion control measures, Mr. Shelmerdine has worked with Greg Meister and established a schedule for work to be done like pouring the concrete, finger drains and finishing the level spreader. Mr. Shelmerdine commented that Mr. O’Cain was participating in the scheduling as well.


All items requested by the Planning Board to be complete are either completed or in process. Mr. Shelmerdine said that Greg Meister is concerned about erosion protection methods. He suggested the best time to accomplish this is in the Spring. Ms. Price asked the status of the tree boxes and rain gardens and Mr. Shelmerdine said they will be located in the cul de sac. He noted that the previous Chair of the Planning Board was very concerned that these be put in place and he said the work will be done when the houses are sold. Mr. Shelmerdine said there are only 8 or 9 lots left.


Mr. Milowe asked that Mr. Shelmerdine keep the Board apprised on the dates listed on the work list and Mr. Shelmerdine said he would attend a future meeting and provide updates. He said he should have the certificate of the lost bond by the middle of next week.


Mr. Hauser moved to approve the bond dated December 10. 2010 for surety bond form F for $428,000 for Bella Estates. Approval is subject to Attorney Shelmerdine finding the original bond or substituting and filing a loss affidavit. Mr. Milowe seconded the motion and the Board voted 3-0-0 in favor of the motion.


Mr. Milowe made a motion to release Mr. Mirrione’s bond dated November 28th for $346,000 and Mr. Hauser seconded the motion


Mr. Milowe withdrew the motion until clarification from Mr. O’Cain can be received regarding these two particular bonds; $346,000 and $163,000.


P.O. Square Waste Water

Chair Price indicated that she has never heard back from Andy Nebenzhal who at Town Meeting had said he was willing to work on the waste water issue. She also spoke to Rob Maidman who is taking over as Chair of the Economic Development Committee. Mr. Maidman will contact Mr. Nebenzhal.


Mr. Hauser said that the waste water is a critical path for zoning changes. It is evident that Town Meeting wants a discussion brought forth. He said that there are 65 parcels in PO Square with 42 owners, one of which is the Town. He suggested it is necessary to find out the age of the systems, usage, extend discussions with owners and maybe get a proposal from Wright Pierce or other vendors for a system design to treat and manage the effluent. He suggested that maps be looked at and that the Board of Health needs to get involved to identify any public health risks to the community with the current system.


Ms. Price asked what would a Town Meeting Article be concerning waste water. Mr. Hauser said Town Meeting needs to allow a discussion to take place regarding the effluent situation.


Ms. Price questioned if further waste water study should be a Planning Board, Board of Health or Selectmen project.

Mr. Hauser said it seems as if the planning piece is falling in the hole.  Long term planning doesn’t seem to be there.  He suggested this topic be placed on the agenda over the next few months.

Mr. Milowe questioned the structure of how a bond would work for the building of the system and suggested Mr. Fowler is consulted. He questioned if the bond can be attributed to a small group of business owners.


Mr. Hauser said that one option would be the creation of a betterment district zone; a water authority empowered to borrow the funding.


Alice Cheyer said that a concept is needed first to solve the districts issue, not a patch. She said it needs to be determined where the waste water will go. All of it involves land. She suggests a major part of planning includes what types of physical things are needed to dispose of water efficiently. She said that Wright Pierce knows what to do and suggested perhaps the whole Town can put up the money so the Center can thrive. She said more land studies are needed.


Chair Price said we need to identify the problems from both the Board of Health and the owners and determine which properties are included. We need to see what properties we are planning for and what owners are interested. She questioned whether the whole town would be willing to pay for a solution for Post Office Square’s waste water problem.  She asked whether the surrounding residents would want to be included.


Ms. Cheyer said she feels that report #2 from Wright Pierce was not correct.


Mr. Hauser said that the discussion needs to be restarted. The Board of Health needs to be spoken with to determine the need. What is the plan? How critical are the systems and are they failing? He suggests a facilitated dialogue is needed to get to the next level of knowledge. We need to determine the real impact and get the real data on the table.


Ms. Price will reach out to the Board of Health.


Mr. Milowe will speak to Bill Fowler regarding the townspeople taking a bond to pay for a new treatment facility.


Mr. Hauser said he will contact Mr. Houston regarding speaking to the Board about the traffic study results.


Inclusionary Housing

Ms. Price indicated that this topic was discussed at the last meeting.  The article was written four years ago and withdrawn from the warrant. She suggested the Board review the article and see what has changed and whether the Board may want to proceed. Mr. Hauser asked if the Brickstone exclusion was part of this and Ms. Cheyer said she would look into this. Ms. Cheyer thinks this is good for the Town.  A brief discussion ensued amongst the Board.  Mr. Hauser said that Inclusionary Zoning is an insurance policy to assure we maintain our inventory of affordable units when large developments come in.


Housing Production Update

Ms. Price indicated that the approved version with changes was submitted to DHCD. She has contacted Jenny Raitt to determine if DHCD approved the plan.


Other Business

1. Ms. Price and Ms. Levitts will work on preparing the Town Report.


Next meeting date(s)

1/12, 1/25, 2/9



Mr. Milowe moved to adjourn the Planning Board meeting at 9:19 PM. Mr. Hauser seconded the motion and the Board voted 3-0-0 in favor.


Attached Documents
